Moments like the WNBA Draft are no longer just a recognition of top athletes but also an annual cultural celebration of racial and gender diversity through fashion. During recent WNBA Drafts, we saw the ingredients accounted for: social media conversation; women athletes; fashion beyond gender norms; African American Vernacular English (AAVE); and queer fan attraction.
The notably missing element: internet trolls.
In fact, per Wasserman analysis, only 6% of 2023 #WNBADraft tweets included negative sentiment.
We’re not complaining but do have to ask: What changed?!
In the WNBA early years, the league and draft prioritized images of white heterosexual femininity; Sue Bird — now seen as a basketball fashion icon — dressed conservatively within acceptable norms. And still, Black women, queer women, and Black queer women continue to face criticism, discrimination and trolls for not conforming to norms — inside and outside of sport. Social media posts about women athletes are often bombarded with racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic comments. Representations of Black queer women in popular media and in sport are often erased, invisible or reduced to tropes.
Nonetheless, our research analyzing social media conversations around 2022-23 drafts showed massive engagement and inclusion, celebrating of Black and queer culture. This shift warrants validation, amid cultural tensions including the “anti-woke movement” and their associated bans.
And our analysis demonstrates its fans — not leagues or media — who set the cultural tone of those drafts.
As the WNBA continually expands its fan base and viewership, we must ensure the influence of LGBTQ+ and Black culture remains. For the W and beyond, empower fans who stand 10 toes down to create digital environments of respect, relevance, and engagement — via online subcultures who uplift.
So, how can brands and leagues replicate and advance authentic connection in their marketing of athletes — particularly those who are women, LGBTQ+, and Black?
Celebrate gender presentation
Through fashion choices, draft spectators were presented a spectrum of feminine and masculine fashion looks. The WNBA fan subculture respects and celebrates masculine fashion choices, while not stripping away womanhood from these players.
Players dressed in more masculine styling were still referred to as “Queen.” “Ladies” — a display of AAVE — was expressed in an endearing manner that recognized them as women, versus attempting to resocialize them. Moreover, during 2023, players acknowledged how WNBA draftee fashion evolved from looking “secretarial” to aligning more authentically with how players identify.
To advance progress, the WNBA should continually encourage players to express their authentic selves through their fashion choices on draft night and throughout the season. Media campaigns must elevate gender presentation spectrum beyond Pride month.
Deprioritize male gaze
Research demonstrates that women athletes are often sexualized for the male gaze in media. Such representations assume that the sports consumer is a heterosexual man and the athlete is a heterosexual woman — reducing women athletes to sexual objects.
During the draft, tweets from fans acknowledged sex appeal across a spectrum of gender presentations, while not oversexualizing draftees dressed in more feminine fashion choices.
The experience featured the league’s diversity of athletes in media coverage, while marketing ensured that athletes fitting traditional feminine norms didn’t receive disproportionate representation.
Don’t shy from athlete representation off the court. Women’s sports fans want to see lifestyle and fashion coverage of their favorite athletes. Just don’t sexualize athletes when doing so. Oh, and hire more women and queer photographers to limit “the male gaze” when capturing images.
Unlock the cultural impact of fashion
During 2022-23, fans used the #WNBADraft hashtag to create a hater-free space, demonstrating that fashion matters in the WNBA because it is used to implode gender norms.
Athletes combine masculine suits, with bold red lipstick. Short haircuts coupled with shirtless suit jackets, revealing just a peek of cleavage. Fashion is a proxy for WNBA diversity and a manifestation of inclusive policy. The once-rigid dress codes are replaced with an eclecticism matched nowhere else in sport.
The result is a glimpse into future fandom. Niche women’s sports media platforms and unique AAVE-using WNBA fans have done the impossible: Creating a positive, progressive space where lines between queerness, masculinity, femininity, and gender are blurred and welcomed.
To elevate the show, amplify and support niche women’s sport media platforms. They’re the most authentic arbitrator of women’s sports content. Staff talent who are fluent in their cultural immersion; use AAVE as appropriate, never as inauthentic. In women’s sports’ biggest moments, listen to the community — so that you can appropriately engage with them in the months and years ahead.
Ultimately, these examples showcase the value of online subcultures and DEI effectiveness in next-gen fan engagement. This dynamic is evident in a Google ad using WNBA fashion as a worthy search to market Google Lens technology. Google’s Creative Lab asserts: “… [this] is just one of many ways we’ll bring ’new ways to search’ to the WNBA,” as brands leverage the influence of the WNBA to promote products.
You can leave your fan engagement — especially in digital spaces — in the hands of trolls. Or you can design around real fan intention, so respect can dominate the experience.
Lauren C. Hindman is an assistant professor at Hofstra University; Ajhanai C.I. Keaton is an assistant professor at the University of Louisville; and Nefertiti A. Walker is vice chancellor for the office of equity and inclusion at the University of Massachusetts, where she is also a tenured professor in the Isenberg School of Management. This piece is crafted in partnership with The Collective Think Tank: a global consortium of academic minds and industry leaders focused on gender parity and improving diversity. The collaboration is led by The Collective, Wasserman’s women-focused division.