Eddy de Pretto

Exclusive Booking Agency for Eddy de Pretto
Territory: Europe


Clementine Bunel

Mike Malak

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Eddy de Pretto

about the artist

[ENGLISH] Hailing from Créteil, young Eddy de Pretto brings a breath of fresh air to the French music scene. By intertwining Frank Ocean, Kanye West and Claude Nougaro amongst his influences, he is venturing on new territories and blends together traditional French chanson to edge-cutting new-R&B. Unfiltered, raw and sexual, he calls together nights, party and drugs in a very direct way.

Permanently connected to his social networks, his iPhone grafted to his hand, which he uses as much to write his songs as to play them on stage, Eddy indulges in a harsh and unforgiving continuous self-portrait. Sensational winner…


[ENGLISH] Hailing from Créteil, young Eddy de Pretto brings a breath of fresh air to the French music scene. By intertwining Frank Ocean, Kanye West and Claude Nougaro amongst his influences, he is venturing on new territories and blends together traditional French chanson to edge-cutting new-R&B. Unfiltered, raw and sexual, he calls together nights, party and drugs in a very direct way.

Permanently connected to his social networks, his iPhone grafted to his hand, which he uses as much to write his songs as to play them on stage, Eddy indulges in a harsh and unforgiving continuous self-portrait. Sensational winner of the Le Printemps de Bourges’ award last April then a much-noticed EP in October (KID), Eddy already performed over 50 concerts.

The sudden announcement of him being nominated at the Victoires de la Musique before the release of his first album only increased the frenzy around him.

His first songs already account for several million plays, and his three next Parisian concerts at La Cigale have been sould out in a few weeks. He will perform two shows at the legendary Olympia Hall in November 2018, as well as in the most important summer festivals.

Eddy’s CURE is undoubtedly the most awaited debut album of the year.

[FRENCH] Après avoir remporté le Prix du Printemps de Bourges en 2017, le jeune Eddy de Pretto apporte un souffle inédit à la nouvelle scène française.

Débarqué de Créteil, il cite aussi bien Frank Ocean, Kanye West que Claude Nougaro parmi ses influences. Il défriche des territoires inconnus où les thèmes et les sonorités qu’il emprunte au rap disputent l’espace aux grands noms de la chanson française.

Son verbe sans filtre, âpre et sexuel, convoque la nuit, la fête et la drogue sans aucun artifice. Eddy de Pretto, c'est la chanson française qui fait un pas de côté et le rap français qui n’a désormais plus peur d'être sensible, de redevenir conscient.

Fort du Prix du Printemps de Bourges puis de la sortie très remarquée de son premier quatre titres (KID, octobre 2017), Eddy a déjà assuré en seulement quelques mois plus d’une cinquantaine de concerts.

Ses premiers titres comptabilisent déjà plusieurs millions d’écoutes sur internet, ses trois prochains concerts à La Cigale (Paris) ont vite affiché complet, deux Olympia sont déjà annoncés ainsi que sa présence dans la plupart des festivals majeurs de l’été…

Cure s’annonce comme le premier album le plus attendu de l’année.


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