
Exclusive Booking Agency for Rhys
Territory: Worldwide except North America


Holly Rowland

Contact Agent

about the artist

For the first decade of her life, Rhys Frank's world was defined by urban America. Raised in Portland, Oregon, along a stretch of the I-94 highway known as Johnson's Creek, she was steeped in music and culture from birth. Moving across the Atlantic Ocean at the age of ten, life in Sweden brought a profound cultural shock. The pragmatic dreaming ethos of Sweden clashed with the boundless optimism of America, creating a stark contrast for Rhys — who never saw her artistic dreams as unattainable. This juxtaposition formed a middle ground that has shaped her throughout life.

​​The early years…


For the first decade of her life, Rhys Frank's world was defined by urban America. Raised in Portland, Oregon, along a stretch of the I-94 highway known as Johnson's Creek, she was steeped in music and culture from birth. Moving across the Atlantic Ocean at the age of ten, life in Sweden brought a profound cultural shock. The pragmatic dreaming ethos of Sweden clashed with the boundless optimism of America, creating a stark contrast for Rhys — who never saw her artistic dreams as unattainable. This juxtaposition formed a middle ground that has shaped her throughout life.

​​The early years in Sweden were distinguished by a constant sense of rootlessness. Rhys' family frequently moved around the Stockholm suburbs, never settling in one place for more than a year. Having learnt Swedish by joining the school choir, her dream of a life in music came to fruition at 18. A year later, she released her acclaimed debut album 'Stages,' garnering hundreds of millions of streams and establishing herself as the most played artist on Swedish national radio.

Despite the accolades and commercial success, Rhys found herself grappling with a sense of disillusionment, realizing she had lost touch with her identity amidst the demands of the industry. Following a phase of introspection, she emerged with a renewed sense of purpose, shedding her old musical persona to explore uncharted territories of creativity. Drawing inspiration from childhood idols such as Ron Sexsmith, Brandi Carlile, Julia Jacklin and Nick Drake, she now crafts a genre-defying sound that seamlessly blends indie and folk, with lyrics steeped in both nostalgia and everyday life.

For the first time in her life, Rhys creates the music she has always yearned to produce. At the core of her musical journey lies the single 'Alice' — a poignant ode to the enduring power of friendship and an introduction to her forthcoming era.


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