
Exclusive Booking Agency for Yamê
Territory: Europe (except France & Belgium), Asia, Australia


Clementine Bunel

Contact Agent

about the artist


Yamê is a French artist of Cameroonian descent who artfully merges R&B, Hip hop, and Jazz in his music — crafting a distinguished music that makes his style unique.

The rising artist unveiled the 'ELOWI' project in October 2023. Each track within this project highlights his lyrical finesse and his capacity to forge profound connections with his audience.

Yamê's rise to fame can be attributed to the remarkable success of his single 'Bécane,' a poignant composition that inspires the pursuit of freedom while facing adversity.

His Colors Show performance (released in June 2023) went viral, propelling the song to…



Yamê is a French artist of Cameroonian descent who artfully merges R&B, Hip hop, and Jazz in his music — crafting a distinguished music that makes his style unique.

The rising artist unveiled the 'ELOWI' project in October 2023. Each track within this project highlights his lyrical finesse and his capacity to forge profound connections with his audience.

Yamê's rise to fame can be attributed to the remarkable success of his single 'Bécane,' a poignant composition that inspires the pursuit of freedom while facing adversity.

His Colors Show performance (released in June 2023) went viral, propelling the song to resonate globally — it held firm at #1 on the Global Spotify Viral charts, accumulating over 68M streams to date, and even garnered the attention of the producer Timbaland.

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Yamê est un artiste franco-camerounais né d'un père musicien et d'une mère informaticienne, deux passions dont il a hérité et qui rythment sa vie. 100% autodidacte, il lance sa carrière solo en mars 2020 après avoir débuté en tant que claviériste et chanteur dans les Jams Parisiennes.

Sa musique est un équilibre subtil et précis entre l'univers groovy/jazzy et la versatilité moderne des scènes françaises et africaines actuelles.

Sur scène, l'aura de l'artiste, issue de sa voix singulière et puissante mais aussi de son flegme et de son aisance indéniable, confère à sa musique, comme à sa prestation, une véritable identité organique.

Après avoir été mis en avant sur les réseaux sociaux avec son titre "Call of Valhalla" et soutenu par le producteur américain Timbaland ou encore Stromae dont il fera les premières parties en 2023, il présente sur Colors son titre "Bécane."

Le 13 octobre dernier, il sort son projet Elowi sur lequel ces deux titres sont présents.
